Online reviews have some at boiling point

Rogue online reviewers are holding restaurants to ransom with their scathing remarks. Websites such as MenuMania, Dineout and give picky and negative diners space to vent their views with little accountability, restaurant owners say. And the remarks can't be removed. Eight Point Two is regarded as one of Auckland's top places to eat out. But owner Lindsay Swannack cringes each time a review email pings into his inbox. "You tend to look at the bad ones more than the good ones. It's human nature,' Swannack said. He is frustrated by the lack of transparency of one-off reviewers and those who are near impossible to please. "You can't defend yourself. We take these very personally - well I do. It really does hurt." Swannack said he would rather see reviewers visit a restaurant several times in order to give a fair assessment, than arrive on a busy Saturday night and complain. Although a restaurant may have received plenty of good...