Review: Go Back for Murder at PumpHouse Theatre

Living in a house full of women is enough to send any man off his chump. So says Amyas Crale, the victim in the classic whodunit, Go Back for Murder. I appreciated the Shoreside Theatre's adaptation, full of saucy cheek and innuendo. It started with the flirtations of a suave solicitor and his client and ended with the indiscretions between a would-be victim and his mistress. It's wartime Britain and an M.I.5 solicitor has been employed by Crale's daughter Carla to piece together her father's final moments in 1927. The victim's wife Caroline was sent to prison for poisoning him but Carla has received a letter claiming her mother's innocence. Carla's rounded up the witnesses, her father's mistress included, to step back in time and relive his last moments to try and identify the real killer. The stand-out of this production, for me, was the casting. The accents were near flawless, the male characters were physical ...